Site Selectors Talk About Fulton County, New York

Dennis Donovan
Principle at Wadley Donovan Gutshaw Consulting, Bridgewater, NJ:
“The training resources with HFM-BOCES PTECH and (Fulton-Montgomery Community College), are first class – among the best I’ve seen and I’ve seen a lot of them.”
“The cost of doing business in Fulton County is competitive with any location, even in the Southeast. And this is not in any way exploitative; the cost of living in the area is low.”
“The most impressive thing I’ve seen is leadership – the leadership here is really stunningly good. People are not afraid to take chances and they’re brutally honest. You’ve got what a lot of areas don’t have so that’s really important.
“Your infrastructure capacity is amazing and you’ve got some nice shovel-ready sites. Fulton County might be small but you’ve got good physical product here.”
“Our visit here opened by eyes quite a bit. I go to a lot of much bigger areas where you couldn’t get a group this size together. People just don’t care about their community. Here, you actually have a community. You are addressing the future needs your county is going to have.”
“I think your labor training resources here are second to none. “
“The range of incentives you can bring to the table are good to bring in deals.”

Jim Renzas
Principle of the RSH Gropus, Inc., Mission Viejo, CA:
“The Tryon Technology Park is a big site and it’s a beautiful site. There is a lot you can do with it.”
“My visit here in Fulton County opened my eyes quite a bit for a county of this size. You guys are doing a fantastic job.”
“Given Fulton County’s size, it’s doing a great job with economic development.”
“There are few counties in the United States of Fulton County’s size doing anything near what Fulton County is doing in the field of economic development.”
“Fulton County’s industrial land price is a strength.”

Jay Garner
Principle, Garner Economics, Atlanta, Georgia:
“I was impressed with the product Fulton County has to offer.”
“Fulton County’s infrastructure capacity is impressive.”
“I loved your P-Tech Program.”