Resolution classifying the proposed Nexus Renewables U.S. inc. Solar project
- Post by FCIDA
- July 14, 2020
WHEREAS, Nexus Renewables U.S. Inc. has proposed to construct and operate a solar energy project on a 29+/- acre parcel of land owned by the IDA adjacent to the Tryon Technology Park in the Town of Johnstown, and
WHEREAS, Nexus Renewables proposed facility will include:
WHEREAS, NYS SEQR Regulations states that a project involving the physical alteration of more than 10 acres of land shall be considered a Type 1 Action under SEQR, and
WHEREAS, Nexus Renewables has submitted to the IDA a Part 1 Environmental Assessment Form (EAF), and
WHEREAS, the EAF identifies the Involved Agencies for this proposed action to be:
WHEREAS, the IDA Board desires to propose itself as the Lead Agency for the purposes of conducting a Coordinated SEQR review of the proposed project,
RESOLVED, that the IDA Board hereby classifies the proposed Nexus Renewables’ solar project as a Type 1 Action, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the IDA Board hereby proposes that it serve as the Lead Agency for the purposes of conducting a Coordinated SEQR Review on the proposed project, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Executive Director be and is hereby authorized and directed to send copies of the Part I EAF and Site Plan to all Involved Agencies informing them of the IDA Board’s desire to serve as the Lead Agency, to ask Involved Agencies to submit comments back to the IDA by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 7, 2020 on whether they consent to the IDA Board serving as Lead Agency and whether the Involved Agencies have any comments on whether the proposed action may create any significant impacts on the environment, and be it further
RESOLVED, that certified copies of this Resolution be distributed to all Involved Agencies.
The Resolution was approved by the following roll call vote:
Aye Nay Abstain Absent
Dave D’Amore X ___ ___ ___
Joe Semione X ___ ___ ___
Todd Rulison X ___ ___ ___
Jane Kelley X ___ ___ ___
Mike Fitzgerald X ___ ___ ___
Joseph Gillis ___ ___ ___ X
Tim Munn X ___ ___ ___
State of New York:
County of Fulton:
This is to certify that I, James Mraz, Executive Director for the Fulton County Industrial Development Agency, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy and the whole thereof of a Resolution duly adopted by the Fulton County Industrial Development Agency, Glens Falls, New York on the 14th day of July, 2020.
In witness whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the Fulton County Industrial Development Agency on this _____ day of July, 2020.
James Mraz
Fulton County
[SEAL] Industrial Development Agency
I, James E. Mraz, Executive Director of the Fulton County Industrial Development Agency, hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing resolution with the original resolution, adopted by the Fulton County Industrial Development Agency, at a duly called and held meeting of said Agency on the 11th day of January, 2022, and the same is a true and correct transcript there from and the whole thereof.
Witness my hand and official seal
this 11th day of January, 2022 James E. Mraz, Executive Director