TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 2019, 8:00 A.M.
MOTION : Accept as presented.
MADE BY : Joe Semione
SECONDED : Todd Rulison
VOTE : Unanimous
MOTION : Accept as presented.
MADE BY : Jane Kelley
VOTE : Unanimous
A. Nominating Committee
- No report.
B. Audit Committee:
- Monthly Bank Reconciliation Reports: Dave D’Amore
C. Governance Committee:
- No report.
D. Finance Committee:
- No report.
Ron Peters reported that the Townsend Leather Project is complete. They are occupying the second and third floors of the new building on Grove Street in the City of Johnstown.
Ron Peters reviewed the various work activities the FCCRG has ongoing.
Dave D’Amore stated that he attended the FCCRG Board meeting recently and discussed with that Board the concept of having a joint meeting between the FCCRG and FCIDA Boards. He stated given the overlap of involvement in missions, he feels it’s important for the two (2) Boards to get together to discuss their roles and initiatives. Ron Peters stated he thought would be an excellent idea. He offered to contact his Board members to identify a couple of potential meeting dates in September. Jim Mraz asked that when has identified those potential dates to forward those to him and then he will contact IDA Board members to see if any of those dates work for the IDA Board. Ron Peters stated he would send those dates to Jim Mraz once he gets them confirmed from the IDA Board.
A. Status of Johnstown Renewables Project:
- Amendment to Lease Agreement was sent to JR.
- Amendment extends project completion date through December 31, 2019.
DISCUSSION: Kara Lais reported that she heard from Johnstown Renewables. She stated Johnstown Renewables had a conference call with a potential buyer for the former Johnstown Renewables’ property. She stated Johnstown Renewables, however, has not returned the amendment to the Lease Agreement that was sent to them. After a brief discussion, it was agreed to have Kara Lais send Johnstown Renewables another letter advising them to either send the executed Amendment to the Lease Agreement back to the IDA or she will bring the issue back to the IDA Board for discussion.
B. IDA Website:
- Emery Designs completed work updating IDA website.
- Emery Designs conducted “Discovery Process” meetings on July 26th and August 9th.
C. Northern Borders Regional Commission Grant:
- Background:
- In 2015, the IDA, in partnership with Fulton County, applied for a grant from the Northern Borders Regional Commission (NBRC) to rehabilitate the F-Wing of Building 3 at the Tryon Technology Park.
- The NBRC awarded a grant of $184,153 for this project.
- The IDA Board, at its October 13, 2015 meeting, agreed to commit $65,847 of IDA funds towards the total cost of this project.
- The funding for the project was to be as follows:
– Fulton County : $150,000
– IDA : $ 65,847
– NBRC : $184,153
- Fulton County/IDA hired C.T. Male to prepare plans and specifications for the project.
- Due to National Grid not completing the installation of a new primary electric service, the renovation of the F-Wing did not move forward.
- The NBRC has withdrawn its grant.
2. IDA Invoice:
- A total of $36,888.49 was expended on this project.
- Fulton County is seeking reimbursement of 50% of these costs from the IDA.
- Total due to Fulton County: $18,444.25
IDA DISCUSSION: Jim Mraz reviewed the information on the Agenda. He asked if there were any questions. There were none.
MOTION: To authorize a payment of $18,444.25 to Fulton County.
MADE BY: Joe Semione
SECONDED: Todd Rulison
VOTE: Unanimous
A. Board Training:
- Background:
- The annual evaluations IDA Board members completed last fall indicated a desire to conduct more training and updates for members.
- As a result, it is proposed that time be allocated at each IDA meeting to provide training.
2. Fulton County’s Economic Development Program:
a. History:
- Prior to 1985, economic development efforts in Fulton County were decentralized. Several groups were involved:
- Montgomery-Fulton Economic Development Corporation
- Fulton County Community Development Corporation
- Mohawk Valley Economic Development District
- Fulton County Chamber of Commerce
- In 1985, the Fulton County Board of Supervisors decided to centralize economic development efforts and focus on marketing. Fulton County executed an Agreement with the Fulton County Community Development Corporation to market Fulton County. The Fulton County Community Development Corporation then changed its name to the Fulton County Economic Development Corporation (FCEDC).
- In 1988, the FCEDC created the Crossroads Incubator Corporation (CIC).
- The EDC marketed the County and managed loan pools.
- The CIC built and managed real estate.
- In 2012, the FCEDC, in conjunction with Fulton County, decided to:
a. Create the Fulton County Center for Regional Growth (FCCRG).
b. Disband the FCEDC and CIC. - In 2012, Fulton County Board of Supervisors committed to provide funding to the FCCRG and for the FCCRG to recommit to marketing.
b. Fulton County’s Current Economic Development Program:
- At present, the following key entities are involved with Fulton County’s Economic Development Program:
- Fulton County Board of Supervisors
- Funding
- Marketing
2. Fulton County Center for Regional Growth
- Marketing
- Financing/Grants
- Community Development
- Other
3. Fulton County Industrial Development Agency
- Provide shovel-ready sites
- Sell land
- Provide financial incentives
3. Tryon Technology Park:
a. Project Summary:
- In 2014, the IDA acquired the former Tryon Youth Detention Facility from NYS Empire State Development (ESD) which included:
1) 515+/- acres of land
2) Approximately 210+/- acres were proposed as shovel-ready land50+/- buildings
3) Water and sewer infrastructure
4) Wastewater pump station
5) Water tank
6) Electrical system
b. Work Completed To Date:
- IDA:
- Timber Harvest
- 2 auctions to sell off items left by New York State
- Deeded land for CR117 to Fulton County
- Developed the Tryon Technology Park website – www.tryontechnologypark.com
- Developed logo
- Evaluated use of certain lands for solar array
2. Fulton County:
- Reconstructed internal access road which became CR117
- Constructed new water/sewer lines
- Constructed new water booster station
- Constructed new elevated water tank
- Deeded waterlines, booster station and tank to City of Gloversville Water Department
- Conducted a Targeted Industry Analysis
- Prepared Marketing Brochure
- Completed Building Demolition Project
- Installed entry sign and banners
c. Land Sold/Optioned to Date:
- 20+/- acres and one (1) 15,000 sf existing building was sold to Vireo Health.
- 3.5+/- acres and one (1) 15,000 sf existing building has been optioned to 1776 Hemp.
- There remains 190+/- acres of shovel-ready land.
d. Building Demolition:
- When FCIDA took title to Tryon, the lands identified as shovel ready had 22 existing buildings located there.
- One (1) existing building was sold to Vireo Health.
- One (1) existing building was optioned.
- Four (4) existing buildings were demolished as part of building the new access road.
- Eight (8) existing buildings were demolished in 2017.
- At present, nine (9) existing buildings remain:
– 3 large dormitories
– 2 small dormitories
– 3 small storage/office/laundry buildings
– 1 gymnasium
e. New Electric Service:
- At present, the existing primary electric service at Tryon is owned, operated and maintained by the FCIDA.
- Fulton County and the FCIDA are working with National Grid to have a new primary electric service installed to service Tryon.
f. Tryon’s Current Assets:
- Shovel-ready Land:
– 190+/- acres
- Tryon Development Area:
– 35+/- acres
- Vacant Lands on South Side of CR107:
– 25+/- acres
- Building 3:
– 60,000+/- sf
- F-Wing of Building 3:
– 15,000+/- sf
4. Inventory of Available Shovel-Ready Sites and Buildings:
a. Shovel-Ready Sites:
Park Acres
- Crossroads Industrial Park 7
- Johnstown Industrial Park 20
- Tryon Technology Park 190
Tract 1: 100+/- acres
Tract 2: 40+/- acres
Tract 3: 25+/- acres
Tract 4: 25+/- acres
b. Available Buildings:
- Crossroads Industrial Park : All buildings utilized/occupied
- Johnstown Industrial Park : All buildings utilized/occupied
IDA BOARD DISCUSSION: Jim Mraz reviewed the information on the Agenda. He stated Ron Peters has reported to the ED & E Committee at its last two (2) meetings that there is shortage of shovel-ready sites in Fulton County. He reviewed the property on the east side of NYS Route 30A that is currently being looked at as another potential site. He then reviewed the tracts of lands that are available at Tryon. Tim Munn asked if there are other properties in the County that could be considered shovel-ready sites? Jim Mraz stated that there are other properties that could be developed into shovel-ready sites if water and sewer infrastructure could be extended to the sites. He stated the key to doing so is “SMART Waters.” The County’s “SMART Waters” Program has the ability to extend water and sewer services anywhere within Fulton County. The key would be is it cost effective for the County to extend municipal water and sewer services to a potential site. Jim Mraz also stated that a key to identifying a potential shovel-ready site is whether the property owner would be willing to sell the property.
B. NYS Economic Development Council's IDA Academy:
- NYSEDC is conducting its annual IDA Academy training session for IDA Board members and staff.
- IDA Academy will be held on Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at the Genesee County Community College.
- Registration Fee: $75
- Scott Henze is interested in attending.
IDA DISCUSSION: Dave D’Amore reviewed the information on the Agenda. He asked if there were any questions. There were none.
MOTION: To authorize reimbursing Scott Henze for the cost of registering for the IDA Academy.
MADE BY: Jane Kelley
VOTE: Unanimous
C. Invoice from Fitzgerald Morris Baker Firth:
- Fitzgerald Morris Baker Firth has submitted an invoice for legal services provided to the IDA as part of the recent Eminent Domain action.
- Total Invoice Amount: $6,898.65
- IDA will seek reimbursement of this cost from Fulton County.IDA DISCUSSION:
IDA DISCUSSION: Dave D’Amore reviewed the information on the Agenda. He asked if there were any questions. There were none.
MOTION: To authorize a payment of $6,898.65 to Fitzgerald Morris Baker Firth.
MADE BY: Jane Kelley
SECONDED: Joe Semione
VOTE: Unanimous
D. Resignation:
- George Doherty has submitted a letter of resignation from the IDA Board due to personal reasons.
IDA DISCUSSION: Joe Semione stated that George Doherty called him to advise him of his plans to resign from the IDA Board. Joe Semione stated George Doherty advised of how impressed he was with the IDA Board and how it functioned. Dave D’Amore added that George Doherty felt that the IDA is one of the most professionally run organizations he’s been involved with.
MOTION: To accept George Doherty’s resignation with regrets from the IDA Board.
MADE BY: Joseph Semione
SECONDED: Jane Kelley
VOTE: Unanimous
E. Don Brown Bus Sales:
- Background:
- Don Brown Bus Sales is located on CR107 adjacent to the Tryon Technology Park.
- The Company conducted an onsite auction on Saturday, April 27, 2019.
- The company requested to use four (4) parking lots at the Tryon Technology Park to park vehicles:
– Building 3 : 3 lots
– Building 60 : 1 lot - Don Brown Bus Sales parked vehicles at the Tryon Technology Park from Saturday, April 20, 2019 until Friday, May 3, 2019.
- Don Brown Bus Sales then requested to keep buses in one parking lot behind Building #3 until August 31, 2019.
- Don Brown Bus Sales agreed to pay the IDA $200/month to keep these buses parked until August 31, 2019.
2. Request to Extend Use of Parking Vehicles at Tryon Technology Park:
- Don Brown Bus Sales has requested permission to continue parking buses at Tryon through October 30, 2019.
- Don Brown Bus has agreed to pay $500/month to keep buses parked until October 30, 2019.
IDA DISCUSSION: Dave D’Amore reviewed the information on the Agenda. He asked if there were any questions. Joe Semione asked if Brown’s Bus increased their monthly offer voluntarily or whether they were asked to do so. Jim Mraz stated he asked Brown’s to increase their contribution based upon the input that was received the last time the IDA Board discussed this matter.
MOTION: To authorize Don Brown Bus Sales to continue to park buses in the one (1) parking lot at Tryon through October 30, 2019 for $500/month.
MADE BY: Tim Munn
SECONDED: Jane Kelley
VOTE: Unanimous
A. Executive Session:
- Upon a majority vote of its total membership, taken in an open meeting pursuant to a motion identifying the general area or areas of the subject or subjects to be considered, a public body may conduct an executive session for the below enumerated purposes only, provided, however, that no action by formal vote shall be taken to appropriate public moneys:
- matters which will imperil the public safety if disclosed;
- any matter which may disclose the identity of a law enforcement agent or informer;
- information relating to current or future investigation or prosecution of a criminal offense which would imperil effective law enforcement if disclosed;
- discussions regarding proposed, pending or current litigation;
- collective negotiations pursuant to article fourteen of the civil service law;
- the medical, financial, credit or employment history of a particular person or corporation, or matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person or corporation;
- the preparation, grading or administration of examinations;
- the proposed acquisition, sale or lease of real property or the proposed acquisition of securities, or sale or exchange of securities held by such public body, but only when publicity would substantially affect the value thereof.
MOTION: To go into Executive Session to discuss the proposed acquisition, sale or lease of real property or the proposed acquisition of securities, or sale or exchange of securities held by such public body, but only when publicity would substantially affect the value thereof.
MADE BY : Todd Rulison
SECOND : Joe Semione
VOTE : Unanimous
TIME : 9 a.m.
MOTION : To go out of Executive Session.
MADE BY : Todd Rulison
SECOND : Joe Semione
VOTE : Unanimous
TIME : 10:00 a.m.
September 10, 2019
8:00 a.m.
MOTION : To close the meeting.
MADE BY : Todd Rulison
SECONDED : Joe Semione
VOTE : Unanimous
TIME : 10:00 a.m.