OCTOBER 13, 2015 - 8:00 A.M.
MOTION : Accept as presented.
MADE BY : Joseph Semione
SECONDED : Diana Putnam
VOTE : Unanimous
MOTION : Accept as presented.
MADE BY : Dave D’Amore
SECONDED : Joseph Semione
VOTE : Unanimous
A. Nominating Committee
- No Report
B. Audit Committee:
- No report.
C. Governance Committee:
- No report.
D. Finance Committee:
A. Background:
- The IDA owns a total of 515 acres of land at Tryon.
- Approximately 453 acres lie in the Town of Perth and 62 acres in the Town of Johnstown.
- The 62 acres in the Town of Johnstown will probably never be developed due to lack of access and terrain.
B. Solar Array:
- One (1) potential use of these 62 acres of land would be to develop a solar array.
- The solar array would generate electricity that could be provided to a business in the Tryon Technology Park.
- The availability of this solar power could be used as an incentive to attracting a business to the Park.
C. Presentation by C.T. Male:
- Scott Goodwill, P.E., Energy Services Division Manager.
- Chad Kortz, P.E., Managing Engineer
Scott Goodwill reviewed the evolution of solar energy projects in New York State. He stated the traditional project was developing a solar system for one (1) building. That building would use all the power generated from the solar system. Scott Goodwill stated the next phase of solar projects was net metering. This involved multiple buildings being serviced by singular solar system. Excess energy generated that was not consumed by these buildings would be dumped back into the grid. Scott Goodwill stated the most recent development in the solar business is called Community Net Metering. This arrangement was just approved by the New York State Public Service Commission six (6) months ago. He stated it’s the newest concept in solar energy. Under this arrangement, solar power is generated and then billed out to as many end users as you can get. Power can be generated in blocks of 2 megawatt. A single project cannot exceed 2 megawatt. However, three (3) 2 megawatt projects would be developed on a singular site. Scott Goodwill reviewed a handout he provided to IDA members. He referenced pages referred to as “shared renewable” as being the same as “community net metering.”
Scott Goodwill suggested that the IDA could develop a solar project on the 62+/- acres it owns on the west side of the Tryon site in the Town of Johnstown. He stated the key would be to try and lease the property to a solar developer to generate a revenue for the IDA. Jim Mraz stated that this was the concept he had discussed with the IDA Board. He stated that those 60 acres in the back do not have good access and probably will never be developed as a shovel-ready site. A question was “Could a solar array be installed and have power from that array provided to a business that would locate in the Park?” He said if this was possible, having this solar array available to offer to a business could be an incentive that could attract a company to the Park.
There was a general discussion on whether power generated from a solar array here would be able to be utilized by just a business in the Park or businesses elsewhere in Fulton County. Jim Mraz stated that this would be a function of what the overall capacity would be of a solar array at this location. Scott Goodwill agreed. He estimated that four (4) to six (6) megawatts of power could conceivably be generated by a solar array at this site. He stressed that this was just an estimate and is not based upon any formal calculations. Jim Mraz stated developing this potential overall capacity would be important to determine how many businesses a solar array at Tryon could be serviced.
Dave D’Amore suggested that C.T. Male develop a proposal to do some feasibility analyses on a solar array. Scott Goodwill stated that C.T. Male would be happy to do so. Jim Mraz recommended that Scott Goodwill prepare a scope of services and forward it to him. He would work with Scott to finalize a scope of work. Once the scope was finalized, C.T. Male could then prepare a formal cost proposal to submit to the IDA.
A. Tryon Technology Park and Incubator Center Project:
1. Northern Borders Regional Commission:
- Background:
- The IDA Board, at its June 5, 2015 meeting, authorized submitting a grant application to the Northern Borders Regional Commission (NBRC).
- The grant would be used to:
- Restart Building 3’s HVAC and Plumbing Systems
- Clean up mold
- Replace exterior doors
- Replace ceiling tiles/lights
- Repair roof leaks
- Application identified a total project cost of $250,000 with a local share of $50,000.
- Grant Offer:
- NBRC has awarded the IDA a grant totaling $184,153. The local share will be $65,847.
Jim Mraz reviewed the information on the Agenda. He asked IDA Board members if they had any questions. There were none.
MOTION: To authorize the Chairman to execute the NBRC Grant Agreement and for the IDA to provide the local share of $65,847.
MADE BY: Diana Putnam
SECONDED: Dave D’Amore
VOTE: Unanimous
- County Project:
- Fulton County has appropriated $150,000 into the 2016 Budget towards this project.
- Fulton County proposed to take the lead on this project and serve as the contracting authority for the engineering and construction contracts that will eventually be created.
Jim Mraz reviewed the information on the Agenda. He stated that there are two (2) options available to proceed with this project. The first would be for the IDA to service the contracting entity. The other would be for Fulton County to service the contracting entity. He stated the contracting entity will have to front all of the money to pay the contractor and then seek reimbursement from the other entity and Northern Borders Regional Commission. He stated that the County would be better situated to do this compared to the IDA. It was the unanimous consensus of all IDA members present that having Fulton County serving as the contracting entity would be preferred.
There was a general discussion on what would need to be done to allow Fulton County to be the contracting entity on a project that is involved with a building they do not own. Jim Mraz stated the likelihood would be that the IDA would have to enter into some form of an agreement with Fulton County that would express the IDA’s consent to having Fulton County serving as the contracting entity. It was the unanimous consensus of all IDA members present supporting having the IDA enter into an agreement with Fulton County as needed to have Fulton County serve as the contracting entity for this project.
MOTION: To approve having Fulton County serving as the contracting entity for this project and to authorize the Chairman to execute an agreement with Fulton County that would authorize the County to serve as the contracting entity with said agreement subject to the final approval of the IDA Attorney and Executive Director.
MADE BY: Dave D’Amore
SECONDED: Joseph Semione
VOTE: Unanimous
2. Entry Sign:
- Background:
- Fulton County requested proposals from sign companies to design, construct and install a new entry sign to Tryon.
- One (1) proposal was received from Adirondack Signs of Saratoga.
- IDA has agreed to pay for 50% of the cost of this new sign.
- Status:
- Board of Supervisors will be hiring Adirondack Signs on October 13, 2015.
- First task is to develop Logo for Tryon Technology Park.
- This Logo would be incorporated into the sign.
- The Logo would then be used throughout the Park.
Jim Mraz reviewed the information on the Agenda. He said once Logos for Tryon are drafted, he would send them to IDA members for input.
3. Design Standards:
- Background:
- At September 8, 2015 meeting, IDA members reviewed the first draft of Design Standards for the Tryon Technology Park.
- Several comments were made on the Draft Standards.
- Review Revised Draft Design Standards:
- Revised Draft Design Standards were e-mailed to IDA Board members on October 6, 2015.
Jim Mraz reviewed the Draft Design Standards that were distributed to all IDA members present. He stated this version was amended from the version reviewed at the last IDA meeting. He stated the Standards have been simplified and condensed. He thanked Dave D’Amore for the input he provided in developing these Standards. Dave D’Amore stated that the Standards, as prepared, present a clear statement of the IDA’s intent for the Tryon Technology Park. He stated the standards also provide companies with flexibility in how they want to design their projects. He stated that the standards would give the IDA the authority to review how all projects proposed for the Tryon Technology Park will be designed and constructed. Jim Mraz asked if there were any further questions. There were none.
MOTION: To approve the Design Standards for the Tryon Technology Park as presented.
MADE BY: Dave D’Amore
SECONDED: Diana Putnam
VOTE: Unanimous
B. Empire State Health Solutions’ (ESHS) Project:
1. Revised Site Plan:
- ESHS is revising its Site Plan.
- Revised Site Plan to be presented to Perth Planning Board on October 20, 2015.
2. Revised Property Map:
- At September 8, 2015 meeting, the IDA Board approved selling an additional .78 acre parcel to ESHS.
- This required having to revise the property survey map the IDA had originally prepared.
- Ferguson & Foss has completed the updated map.
- Total Cost: $200
Jim Mraz reviewed the information on the Agenda. He stated authorization is needed to pay the $200 fee to Ferguson & Foss for preparing the revised survey map for the parcel ESHS will be purchasing from the IDA.
MOTION: To authorize a payment of $200 to Ferguson & Foss Surveyors.
MADE BY: Joseph Semione
SECONDED: Diana Putnam
VOTE: Unanimous
C. Johnstown Industrial Park Park Covenants:
1. Background:
- In 1989, the IDA adopted Park Covenants for the Johnstown Industrial Park.
- The Park Covenants identify uses that are allowed and prohibited in the Park.
- These lists generally conform with the list of allowed uses identified in the City of Johnstown’s Zoning Ordinance.
2. Updated IDA Park Covenants:
- Add the following Permitted Uses:
- Warehouse and distribution facilities
- Food processing
- Light industrial uses
- Utility and telecommunication uses
- Delete the following as Prohibited Uses:
- Warehouse and distribution facilities but not including truck terminals
- Manufacture of flammable, ignitable or otherwise hazardous chemicals
- Petroleum refining
- Brewing and distilling of beer, ale or liquors
- Manufacturing or processing of meat products
- At its September 8, 2015 meeting, the IDA Board proposed to modify the Park Covenants as follows:
3. Input from Property Owners:
- On September 16, 2015, written notice was sent to all owners of property in the Johnstown Industrial Park of the proposed changes to the Park Covenants.
- The letter asked for written comments by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 9, 2015.
- The letter also offered property owners the opportunity to present their comments directly to the IDA Board at its October 13th meeting.
Jim Mraz reviewed the information on the Agenda. He stated the IDA did not receive any written comments from property owners in the Park. He stated that no property owner was present at today’s meeting to offer comments to the IDA Board about the proposed changes to the Park Covenants. Jim Mraz asked if there were any further questions on the proposed changes to the Park Covenants for the Johnstown Industrial Park. There were none.
MOTION: To approve the proposed Amendments to the Park Covenants for the Johnstown Industrial Park and to file those Amendments with the County Clerk’s Office.
MADE BY: Diana Putnam
SECONDED: Joseph Semione
VOTE: Unanimous
A. Proposed Budget:
- The ABO requires Public Authorities with a fiscal year that runs from January 1 – December 31 to adopt and file its annual budget under PARIS by November 1st of each year.
Jim Mraz reviewed the proposed 2016 Budget. He explained that the Tryon Project will represent the biggest expenditure for the IDA Board in 2016. He reviewed the attached Excel spreadsheet showing a breakdown of the proposed expenditures for Tryon for 2016. He stated that that total was carried into the proposed 2016 Budget. He stated that the primary expenditure for Tryon for 2016 would be the local shares for the Northern Borders Regional Commission Grant and the new entry sign. These two (2) expenditures total over $80,000 of the $114,000 budgeted for Tryon.
IDA members reviewed and discussed the revenues and expenditures proposed for 2016.
After further reviewing both the revenues and expenditures in the proposed 2016 Budget, Jim Mraz asked if there were any other questions. There were none.
MOTION: To approve the 2016 IDA Budget as presented.
MADE BY: Joseph Semione
SECONDED: Diana Putnam
VOTE: Unanimous
2. What is a Regional Economic Development Brand:
1. Background:
- In September 2013, Mike Mullis, corporate site selector, visited the Fulton-Montgomery County Region to assess this Region’s ability to attract a large corporation.
- During his public presentation at the Holiday Inn, Mr. Mullis advised that the Fulton-Montgomery Region is not well known in the business community. He recommended that the two (2) Counties brand themselves to develop a stronger identity.
- In October 2013, Fulton County and the Montgomery County IDA jointly hired North Star Destination Strategies from Nashville, TN to prepare a regional economic development brand.
2. What is a Regional Economic Development Brand:
- In the United States, there are:8 : States with a Fulton County
18 : States with a Montgomery County
6 : States with both Fulton and Montgomery Counties: NY, GA, PA, OH, AR and KY - North Star recommended that Fulton and Montgomery’s brand must:
- Establish a geographic identity for the Region.
- Have a tagline tailored to business recruitment. What makes Fulton and Montgomery County Region special/different?
3. Fulton and Montgomery Counties’ Regional Economic Development Brand:
- Review Handout.
Jim Mraz reviewed the information on the Agenda. He then reviewed the Name, Tagline and Logo that Fulton County has prepared for its Regional Economic Development Brand. He stated that Fulton County will now be using this Regional Economic Development Brand to establish an overall County brand.
November 10, 2015
8:00 a.m.
MOTION : To close the meeting.
MADE BY : Dave D’Amore
SECONDED : Joseph Semione
VOTE : Unanimous
TIME : 9:30 a.m.