TUESDAY - AUGUST 8, 2017 - 8:00 A.M.
MOTION : To accept as corrected by changing “Davis” to “David”.
MADE BY : Todd Rulison
SECONDED : Dave D’Amore
VOTE : Unanimous
MOTION : Accept as presented.
MADE BY : Joseph Semione
SECONDED : Timothy Munn
VOTE : Unanimous
A. Nominating Committee
- No Report
B. Audit Committee:
- No report.
C. Governance Committee:
- No report.
D. Finance Committee:
- No report.
E. Other Reports
- Economic Development Committee : Bill Waldron
- Fulton County Center for Regional Growth : Ron Peters
A. Web SIte
1. Status Report:
- Domain name: www.fcida.org
- Emery design has made a number of final changes to the Website
IDA DISCUSSION: Jim Mraz stated that the new website is approximately 95% complete. He stated Emery Design hopes to have it completed within the next 30 days or so.
B. Site Selector’s Symposium:
- Scheduled for Friday, September 8, 2017 from 7:30 AM – 10:00 AM at the Holiday Inn
- Event will feature a public presentation by 3 Corporate Site Selectors from the Site Selector’s Guild
- There are only 47 certified Site Selector’s in this Guild
- All IDA Board members are invited and encouraged to attend
IDA DISCUSSION: Jim Mraz reviewed the information on the Agenda. He stated this is a special event given the prestigious nature of the Site Selectors Guild. He stated to have three (3) members of this Guild coming to Fulton County is special. He asked all IDA members to try and attend this event.
C. Fulton County’s E-Newsletter Campaign:
- Shannon Rose is administering and managing this E-Newsletter Campaign for Fulton County.
- Will e-mail/mail six (6) E-newsletters to 425+/- builders, developers and investors advising them of investment opportunities available now in Fulton County.
- Goal: Attract private investment into Fulton County.
- Review 1st Newsletter.
IDA DISCUSSION: Jim Mraz reviewed the information on the Agenda. Copies of the first Newsletter were distributed to all IDA members present. He stated this is the first of six (6) Newsletters that will be sent out on a monthly basis over the next six (6) months. He stated the goal of this marketing campaign is to attract private investment into Fulton County whether it be in one of the Primary Development Areas, new housing, downtown development, Tryon or anywhere else in the County.
D. Fulton County’s Proposed Marketing Campaign:
A. Proposed Campaign
- There are 2 trends occurring in Fulton County that should be addressed:
- Fulton County’s population growth is stagnant and growing older
- Fulton County’s labor force is shrinking
- It is proposed to utilize a digital marketing campaign using social media to market Fulton County’s assets and attract people to come and live and work in Fulton County.
- A request has been made to include $100,000 into the 2018 County Budget to implement this new Marketing Campaign.
B. National Grid Grant
- National Grid provides matching grants for these types of campaigns.
- Fulton County cannot apply for this particular grant. A not for profit type entity must apply.
- National Grid has recommended that the IDA apply on behalf of the County.
- The IDA would serve as a pass thru for the grant.
- In 2014, the IDA applied for, on behalf of Fulton County, a National Grid grant to pay 50% of the cost for the County to hire DCG Corplan to prepare the Targeted Industry Analysis for the Tryon Technology Park
- The IDA acted as a pass thru for National Grid’s grant.
- The IDA and Fulton County executed an Agreement outlining the County’s and IDA’s responsibilities regarding that grant
- Issue: Would the IDA be willing to be the applicant and apply to National Grid for a grant to match the amount of money Fulton County appropriates for this 2018 marketing campaign
IDA DISCUSSION: Jim Mraz reviewed the information on the Agenda. He stated that National Grid has a grant program that provides matching funds for these types of marketing campaigns.
He stated that Fulton County, however, is not eligible to apply for a grant under this particular program. He stated National Grid would only accept applications from a not-for-profit entity.
He stated the two (2) options available are the FCCRG or the IDA. He stated that National Grid has advised both entities could apply but, according to National Grid, it would be easier for National Grid to award a grant to the IDA.
Jim Mraz asked the IDA Board if they would be willing to be the applicant for a National Grid grant if Fulton County requested that they do so. It was the unanimous consensus of all IDA members present that they would be willing to be an applicant for this grant.
Jim Mraz stated that Fulton County hasn’t decided which entity it will ask to apply for this grant. He said if Fulton County asked the IDA to be the applicant, the IDA would need to execute an agreement with Fulton County similar to the agreement it did for the Targeted Industry Analysis grant.
He stated the Agreement would outline the duties and responsibilities of both Fulton County and the IDA with respect to the project and the grant. The IDA would serve as a pass through of the funds from National Grid to Fulton County. Jim Mraz asked if there were any further questions. There were none.
MOTION: To authorize the Chairman to apply to National Grid for a $100,000 matching grant for Fulton County’s Marketing Campaign and to authorize the Chairman to execute an Agreement with Fulton County regarding said Grant.
MADE BY: Diana Putman
SECONDED: Bill Sullivan
VOTE: Unanimous
A. Roof Repair to Electrical Building at Tryon:
- The roof on the building housing the electrical switchgear needs repair work done on it to ensure it is water tight.
- This is the roof that leaked last winter causing damage to the electrical switchgear
- Four (4) contractors were contacted and asked to provide a quote to repair the roof
- Contractor were asked to apply 2 coats of a silicone roof sealant onto the roof
- Contractor Quote:
Contractor: Correll Roofing
Contractor: Claus Roofing
Contractor: Titan Roofing
Contractor: J. Edgar Roofing
IDA DISCUSSION: Jim Mraz reviewed the information on the Agenda. He stated that he has not received back prior to this meeting all the quotes requested. He stated the IDA had two (2) options:
- Wait until the September meeting to award contact after the receipt of all quotes.
- Authorize awarding a contract to whichever firm submits the lowest quote.
It was the unanimous consensus of all IDA members present to award a contract at this meeting based upon whoever submits the low quote. Jim Mraz asked if there were any questions. There were none.
MOTION: To authorize hiring the firm that submits the lowest cost proposal to repair the roof on building housing the electrical switchgear at Tryon
MADE BY: Dave D’Amore
SECONDED: Timothy Munn
VOTE: Unanimous
B. Roof Repair to Control Building at Tryon Wastewater Pump Station:
- The existing shingled roof on the building housing the controls for the wastewater pump station is worn and should be replaced.
- Four (4) contractors were contacted and asked to provide a quote to replace the roof
- Contractor were asked to strip the existing shingles and then install new snow and ice shield, drip edge, felt and shingles
Contractor: Correll Roofing
Contractor: Claus Roofing
Contractor: Titan Roofing
Contractor: J. Edgar Roofing
IDA DISCUSSION: Jim Mraz reviewed the information on the Agenda. He stated that he has not received back prior to this meeting all the quotes requested. He stated the IDA had two (2) options:
- Wait until the September meeting to award contact after the receipt of all quotes.
- Authorize awarding a contract to whichever firm submits the lowest quote.
It was the unanimous consensus of all IDA members present to award a contract at this meeting based upon whoever submits the low quote. Jim Mraz asked if there were any other questions. There were none.
MOTION: To authorize hiring the firm that submits the lowest cost proposal to repair the roof on the Control Building at the Tryon Wastewater Pump Station
MADE BY: Joseph Semione
SECONDED: Todd Rulison
VOTE: Unanimous
C. Electrical Repair at Tryon:
1. Background
- A fuse on a power pole blew recently.
- Tom’s Electric was called in to replace the fuse.
- Tom’s Electric was also asked to purchase additional kits to rebuild power pole fuses so an adequate supply of these fuses were available.
- At the June 13, 2017 IDA meeting, the IDA Board authorized purchasing 3 rebuild kits for the primary fuses used in the electrical switchgear.
- Tom Electric’s invoice:
- Labor on 7/20/17 to replace pole fuse : $ 175.00
- 3 primary fuse rebuilt kits : $ 725.15
- 10 pole fuse rebuild kits : $ 120.00
- Total Invoice : $1,020.15
IDA DISCUSSION: Jim Mraz reviewed the information on the Agenda. He stated that the cost of the three (3) primary fuse rebuilt kits had been previously authorized by the IDA. He stated he included it into the cost for the most recent power outage so that the IDA Board could authorize making a single payment to Tom’s Electric. Jim Mraz asked if there were any questions. There were none.
MOTION: To authorize a payment of $1,020.15 to Tom’s Electric for emergency repair work at Tryon and for purchasing rebuild kits.
MADE BY: Timothy Munn
SECONDED: Joseph Semione
VOTE: Unanimous
D. F-Wing of Building 3:
- CT Male’s design plans for project are 90% complete.
- Meeting has been scheduled with County officials to review plans.
E. Buildings 3 and 60:
1. Background
- Building 3 was the former Administrative/Education Center for Tryon. The Building has:
- 60,000 sq. ft.
- Office, classrooms, pool, gym and auditorium
- At present, no power to the building
- Appraisal completed
- Building 60 was the former Maintenance Building. The Building has:
- 14,000 sq. ft.
- Office, storage, warehouse, manufacturing space
- 3 –bay garage
- 2 loading docks
- At present, no power to the building
- No appraisal
2. Issues
- Does the IDA Board want to get an appraisal done for Building 60?
- Does the IDA Board want to list either or both of these buildings with a realtor/broker to try and sell them?
- If so:
- When to List
- List with whom?
IDA DISCUSSION: Jim Mraz reviewed the information on the Agenda. He asked IDA Board members if they were interested in putting one (1) or both of these properties up for sale. There was a general discussion regarding what tract of land would be included with the potential sale of Building 3. Jim Mraz stated this would need to be resolved before it was put on the market. With respect to Building 60, Bill Sullivan stated the IDA should include the generator in this sale. He stated this might be an attractive incentive for this property. He asked if this generator would still be utilized once the new electric service was installed. Jim Mraz stated, “No.” He stated the only building that would be still connected to the generator would be Building 60. After further discussion, it was the unanimous consensus of all IDA members present to proceed with putting both of these buildings on the market. Jim Mraz will review options for what tract of land to add to Building 3 and present those at the next meeting.
Jim Mraz asked IDA Board members to consider, prior to the next meeting, what real estate agency or broker it will want to list these properties with or what process it will want to go through to select an agency or firm.
Jim Mraz stated that the IDA has not had an appraisal done on Building 60. He recommended that quotes be obtained to have an appraisal done on this building and presented at the next IDA meeting. It was the unanimous consensus of all IDA members present to have Jim Mraz obtain quotes to have an appraisal done and have those presented at the September IDA Board meeting.
1. Hotel/Motel Market Assessment and Demand Analysis:
DISCUSSION: Jim Mraz stated that the Fulton County Board of Supervisors will be hiring Hunden Strategic Partners from Chicago, IL to undertake a Hotel/Motel Market Assessment and Demand Analysis. He stated this initiative is an outgrowth of the Fulton County Development Strategy. He described what the Analysis will consist of.
He stated the goal would be document a demand for a hotel/motel in the Target Area which runs from Vail Mills up along the south and west sides of Great Sacandaga Lake to the Village of Northville. If the report shows that there is a demand, the report could then be sent to hotel chains and hotel developers in trying to attract one to come and build such a hotel in the Target Area.
September 12, 2017
8:00 a.m.
MOTION : To close the meeting.
MADE BY : Joseph Semione
SECONDED : Todd Rulison
VOTE : Unanimous
TIME : 8:45 a.m.